Bill Bill lives with his wife inside these Microsoft estates In the world of Tech, Bill is no doubt one of the greats My Dad wants to meet Bill. So, outside my father waits.So far, he’s seen nothing. He’s seen nothing, but Bill’s gates. Tag Brett’s Accounts...
BRUNO Once he sings a few songs in a couple of bars On his ship Bruno goes. It is parked near some cars.Off he blasts in his ship. He heads straight for the stars.It does not take him long. Yes, soon Bruno’s on Mars. Tag Brett’s Accounts Facebook Instagram...
Carson Carson hunts for hours. When he’s done he sighs and vents.‘I must sign these footballs, 90 footballs by the tents’Once he puts his cleats on, he heads off to his eventsPOOF, so fast, he’s gone! Gee, my how quickly Carson wentz. Tag Brett’s Accounts...
Tyra I play pool with Tyra at a billiards club called Frank’sI tell her she’s pretty. Tyra blushes then says, ‘Thanks!’When she hits the cue ball, she mishits it and it shanksBut she makes the eight ball. Yes, the eight ball Tyra banks. Tag...
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