
Growing up, I loooooooooooooved solving puzzles! I’m hoping you do, too.

To the right are two Scrambles which, if solved correctly, reveal two of my poems.

The letters of each word are mixed up.
You need to re-arrange the letters to form real words.

Got it???

Click on one of the links below to get started…

Secret Codes

To the right are two Secret Codes which, if solved correctly, reveal two of my poems.

Here’s how Secret Codes work:

Each letter in the puzzle is a different letter of the alphabet.
The table next to each poem tells you how to change each letter.
For example, if the table says E=M, you must change each E in the puzzle to an M.

Got it???

Click on one of the links below to get started…

Zany Word Blenders

To the right are two Zany Word Blenders which, if solved correctly, reveal two of my poems.

Each poem consists of five lines and has a theme to it.

In each line, you need to find one hidden word.

In order to find this word, you will need to ‘blend’ together more than one word.

For example, if I write:

Jon likes to read books.

The words ‘store’ is hidden in this sentence:

Jon likes to read books.

Got it???

Click on one of the links below to get started…

Please check out my latest books. All the COOL kids are reading them!