So, who am I, you ask???
Well, I was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
Growing up, I wasn’t much of a reader…or a writer.
But, I was always a goofball!

Even as the years have passed, I am still very much a kid at heart.
In late 2014, I wrote my first poem: Nuts for You.

My then 10- and 8-year old sons thought this poem was funny…
So, I kept writing. And writing. And writing.
Weird, huh?!
Besides writing children’s poetry, I love …
— spending time with my incredible sons, Jacob and Dylan
— playing competitive tennis
— rooting for my beloved Philadelphia Eagles

Finally, I have been living in the Boston area since 2001.
So that’s me in a nutshell.
Well, not literally in a nutshell.
That would be an uncomfortably tight squeeze…
Please check out my latest books. All the COOL kids are reading them!